Casambi Smart Lighting at Dundee Rep

Casambi Smart Lighting at Dundee Rep

Casambi Smart Lighting Control and Energy Saving

Our client, The Dundee Rep Theatre is a great example of how modern LED lighting technologies can save a chunk of money. Swapping their Par38 and AR111 track spots for Lux Lighting LED Track fittings, controlled by Casambi Smart Lighting provided the bulk of a £7000 (92%) annual saving. Scene setting, dimming options and scheduled automations minimise unnecessary use of the lighting, and optimise the ambience during times when open to the public.

The original fittings were circa 75-80w, and the replacements run at a mere 10w, and as the new fittings utilise the same track adapter, they were able to re-use the existing track, keeping costs to minimum, and maximising the savings and payback.

Reduced Maintenance Costs using LED Lighting

Led Lighting also dramatically reduce maintenance. In this instance, the existing lamps had a life expectancy of 1,000 Hours, whereas the LED Track Fittings from Lux Lighting have a rated life to L70 of 70,000 Hours.

Controllability using Casambi Bluetooth Mesh

The LED Fittings are spread across two floors, but are all controlled from an iPad at the reception desk, and are set up on schedules to provide the appropriate lighting at peak times, with fittings being dimmed or switched off at times of low footfall to optimise savings and enhance the customer experience.

Modern Wireless Smart Lighting systems such as Casambi Smart Lighting System, take LED lighting into another dimension by adding a level of controllability that is very expensive to achieve using hard wired systems, and, as this job demonstrates, is very easy to retro-fit into existing installations with minimal alterations to the wiring installation.


Using the right Smart Lighting Controls on the right job is key to getting the optimum savings for the client. With so many smart lighting systems, and an infinite choice of luminaires on the market, it’s never been more important to employ the services of a lighting professional to select the correct fittings and controls to achieve the desired outcome.

Please let us know about any smart lighting jobs you’ve come across, big or small, good or bad, and if you’re looking for help or advice with a project, get in touch.

Iain Ross MSLL